Tuesday, October 25

Health Insurance!

It was found that there are three distinct aspects to a healthy lifestyle that are needed to offer you the absolute best protection for your health. When you adopt 2 of the following lifestyles changes, it is guaranteed that your health will improve. Furthermore, when you make the three lifestyle changes, the results will be phenomenal.

These aspects are:

A healthy diet for ...
  •  weight correction / loss or gain
  • decreased risk of diabetes
  • decreased risk of hearth disease
  • decreased risk of almost all cancers
  • decreased risk of high blood pressure
  • lower cholesterol levels
  • enhanced immune system
  • increased sensitivity to insulin
  • increased energy and ability to concentrate
A modest exercise program for 
  • weight loss
  • lower blood pressure
  • stronger bones and decreased risk of osteoporosis
  • lower cholesterol levels
  • elevated levels of "good" HDL cholesterol
  • decreased levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol
  • decreased levels of triglycerydes - the other fat in the blood
  • increased strength and coordination which leads to decreased risk of falls
  • improved sensitivity to insulin
  • enhanced immune system
  • overall increase in the sense of well-being
High quality, complete and balances nutritional supplements that... 
  • enhances immune system 
  • enhances the anti-oxidant defense system
  • decreases risk of heart attacks, stokes and cancer
  • decreases the risk of arthritis, macular degeneration and cataracts
  • decreases the risk of asthma and hay fever
  • decreases the risk of alzheimer's dementia, parkinson's desease, and many other chronic degenerative diseases. 
I have been reading Dr. Ray Strand's book and I'm learning a lot
See more of Dr. Ray Strand

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